Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Survey says....Tom Wolf!

"Governor Wolf?"

May 14, 2014 - Everything seems futile to Democratic forerunner Tom Wolf. With the primary coming up really soon, surveys show that Tom Wolf has the overwhelming majority behind him. He has roughly double of the closest competitor and that's saying something. Is there any chance to take the race from him?
You can find the link to the article here.
Among all registered voters surveyed by F&M, Mr. Wolf had 33 percent support, followed by U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz of Montgomery County, 14 percent; state Treasurer Rob McCord, also of Montgomery County, 9 percent; and Katie McGinty of Chester County, former state environmental secretary, 5 percent. In the Harper Poll of likely voters, Mr. Wolf fared even better, with 50 percent; followed by a McCord-Schwartz tie at 15 percent and 5 percent for Ms. McGinty. With the results of both of these polls, it's kinda hard not to see how the election will pan out. It looks like Wolf is going to win by a landslide. Like I had mentioned before, is it possible to overtake this kind of lead?
In January, before his commercials hit the airwaves, Mr. Wolf was largely unknown statewide and an also-ran in a then larger Democratic field. Now, he is not just the most popular candidate, he is by far the best known and posted the strongest ratio of favorable to unfavorable opinions.
Note that Mr. Wolf’s lead appeared solid in that 54 percent of his supporters said they were “certain” to vote for him Tuesday. A majority of the Schwartz voters also said they were certain of their choice, while smaller proportions of the McCord voters, 40 percent, and McGinty voters, 26 percent, were similarly committed to their choice.
The Democratic voters were most likely to cite education as the most important problem in the state, followed by unemployment, 20 percent. They were also deeply dissatisfied with the direction of the state; 72 percent said Pennsylvania was on the wrong track, while just 20 percent said it was headed in the right direction.


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