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The Fight is ON!
This Friday, three candidates had aired controversial ads all, supposedly, were aimed at Tom Wolf, who is the Democratic Party front-runner. The attack ads were aired by two of Wolf competing Democrats, state Treasurer Rob McCord and U.S Rep. Allyson Schwartz, and by Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, who is running for a second term. Corbett's ad attacks what Wolf was doing as a revenue secretary under Gov. Ed Rendell and claims that under him, taxes were crazy high and that jobs were loss. The weird thing is though, all this is said without much proof confirming those accusations. Wonder how much this affects Tom Wolf? Will it hurt him or will he still walk out from the ring standing at the end?
Allyson Schwartz jumps onto the offensive with an ad that showed how Wolf had received $20 million from his company when he gave up day-to-day control in 2006 and the result of that led to layoffs within his company until he regained that day-to-day control in 2009. Of that money, it makes you wonder what Wolf's reasoning behind this move would be. Was it to boost his campaigning budget or was it purely business?
The final candidate, Rob McCord also took the initiative and gave Wolf a low blow. He questioned Wolf's relationship with the former York Mayor Charlie Robertson. He was acquitted from a murder charge in 1969 for the death of a black woman during a deadly race riot. He was accused of supplying ammunition which led to the death of the woman of topic. Apparently, the shooter testified that Robertson told him to "kill as many" blacks as possible.
This seems to be a tough race. With Each candidate trying to take the lead even by just a head, they are fighting with everything they got. I wonder what's going to happen when the actual polls open up. It's crazy how they don't hesitate to attack each other's flaws. All this information from the article was from a great author. He had an unbiased point of view, favoring neither side or individual. Thinking about the content of my article, it would purely be an educational impact. It brings to light some things that had occurred during the race and it just shows how much of a fight it is between candidates all fighting for the position of Governor.
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